Weekend Writing Prompt

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Welcome to the weekend writing prompt. It’s Friday here in Australia, and I thought it would be a good time to put one of these up, for those who use weekends to write and relax.

Never have I felt as scared as I do now.

Where does this lead your imagination?

Is your mind running from something?

Are you hiding?

Is there a rumbling of a distant storm?

Gun fire in the distant?

A scream that is breaking through the silence?

Are you facing a fear?

What is happening to make your character so scared?

For me in my mind right now, my main character is running scared, ducking between buildings, hiding in the shadows. Trying to escape the enemy who want her dead at all costs. Where does this lead…For me right now a new novel I started this week.

Where will yours lead? I’d love to hear what happens you can comment below or





Email: bechombsch@dodo.com.au


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